Deliberative Democracy Days – a new annual platform for youth-focused democratic innovations
The first edition of the Deliberative Democracy Days was held on March 13, 14, and 15, 2023, at the InfoHub of the European Parliament in Brussels, as part of the two-year EU-funded Citizen Z project, which aims to apply deliberative methods to strengthen young...
CIVITAS | Digital toolkit on non-formal approach to fostering active citizenship among youth
After the successful completion of the training course Promoting Active Citizenship through Youth Work in the framework of the CIVITAS Project, in Zadar in spring 2022, Udruga Prizma, in cooperation with the consortium partners, has created a toolkit with promising...
CIVITAS Training on promoting active citizenship through youth work
At a time when European societies have never been so pressured and polarised in the context of the post-pandemic, the Ukrainian crisis and climate change, it is important to highlight the key role of European youth in building a better future. With political...
Interview with Henri Goldman on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020
For the full video interview, please click here. For the French version, please click here. Hello, Mr. Goldman! Could you introduce yourself in a few words and tell us a little bit about the tragedy that has affected your family? I was born here (Brussels) in 1947....