The Cartoon Affair
Strong Voice Against Violent Extremism in Brussels
Over 250 Islamic scholars with their non-muslim counterparts, academics and opinion leaders from all over the world convened in Brussels on 15 and 16 March and discussed the causes and counter-measures of radicalization, violent extremism and terrorism.
Fethullah Gulen Condemns Brussels Terrorist Attacks and Extends Condolences to Victims
Message de condamnation et de condoléances de Fethullah Gülen concernant les attaques terroristes de Bruxelles
Boodschap van Fethullah Gülen naar aanleiding van de terreuracties in de luchthaven van Zaventem en het Brusselse metrostation Maalbeek
MESSAGE DE CONDAMNATION ET DE CONDOLEANCES CONCERNANT LES ATTAQUES TERRORISTES DE BRUXELLES Je condamne fermement les attaques terroristes brutales ayant eu lieu ce mardi 22 mars à l’aéroport de Zaventem et à la station de métro Maelbeek, et qui ont causé la mort de...
Fethullah Gülen veroordeelt de terroristische aanslagen in Brussel en betuigt medeleven aan slachtoffers en nabestaanden
Boodschap van Fethullah Gülen naar aanleiding van de terreuracties in de luchthaven van Zaventem en het Brusselse metrostation Maalbeek Met klem en overtuiging veroordeel ik de moorddadige terreuraanvallen die op dinsdag 22 maart jl. in Zaventem en Brussel aan meer...
Fethullah Gulen Condemns Brussels Terrorist Attacks
EXTENDS CONDOLENCES TO VICTIMS Intercultural Dialogue Platform issued the following statement from Fethullah Gulen on the Brussels terrorist attacks. I strongly condemn the brutal terrorist attacks at the Brussels International Airport and Metro station on March 22...
Countering Violent Extremism Symposium
Europe and the Muslim World: Perceptions and Realities
Roundtable Lunch Discussion with Prof. Mark Sedgwick, Aarhus University, Denmark
At this event Prof Sedgwick has responded to the questions like to what extent perceptions are grounded in reality? What are the challenges of war, jihad and global terrorism?
Book Launch “Hizmet in Africa”
Event: “Europe and the Muslim World”
NEW PUBLICATION: Fethullah Gülen & The Hizmet Movement