
Fethullah Gülen sur Le Monde: « L’échec de l’expérience démocratique turque n’est pas dû à l’adhésion aux valeurs islamiques mais à leur trahison »

Contrairement àce que démontre le pouvoir autoritaire d’Erdogan en Turquie, il est possible deconstruire une démocratie musulmane respectueuse de l’Etat de droit, défend,dans une tribune au « Monde », l’opposant exilé aux Etats-Unis. Il fut un temps où la...

Gulen on Le Monde: “Islam is Compatible with Democracy, Despite Turkey’s Recent Example”

For the original French version  Turkey was hailed as an example for a modern Muslimdemocracy during the early 2000s. The current ruling party that came to powerin 2002 implemented reforms that were aligned with the European Union’sdemocratic standards and the...

A Future-Focused EU: Highlights from the Post-Election Event on June 26 in Brussels

Brussels, June 27, 2024 A fresh, stimulating and dynamic discussion on the future of the European Union (EU) was held yesterday at STAM Europa in Brussels. Organised by Stand Up for Europe in collaboration with the Intercultural Dialogue Platform and JEF Belgium, the...

Dialogue for Europe’s future: Insightful conversations with EP candidate Bram Van Hecke

On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the spirit of engagement and dialogue that began at STAM Europa on April 9 continued to flourish as the Intercultural Dialogue Platform (IDP) hosted a follow-up event. This time, the setting was the intimate surroundings of IDP offices,...

Shaping the Future of Europe: Youth Dialogues at the European Parliament

On May 6-7, in a dynamic convergence of ideas and insights, young minds from across Europe gathered at the European Parliament's Info Hub for a two-day event aimed at shaping the future of Europe. Organized by the Intercultural Dialogue Platform in collaboration with...

Youth Engagement Takes Center Stage: Meet Your Future Policymakers Event Bridges Gap Between Candidates and Electorate

In the heart of Brussels, at STAM Europa, a unique and crucial dialogue unfolded on April 9, bringing together aspiring European Parliament candidates and the vibrant voices of youth representatives. The event, titled "Meet Your Future Policymakers: Youth and EP...

Transforming Tomorrow: Youth Advocates Champion Gender Equality at United Nations Forums

Between March 10 and March 22, the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women convened in New York. Over the span of two weeks, the event hosted hundreds of panels and conferences, featuring esteemed speakers from across the globe and drawing...
Call for Intercultural Youth Advisors!
Call for Intercultural Youth Advisors!

Are you interested in sharing your ideas, providing feedback, vocalizing the needs of young people, gaining insights and professional experience in European civil society projects? Apply now and become a member of IDP’s Intercultural Youth Advisory Board!Intercultural...

Core Values of the Hizmet Movement
Core Values of the Hizmet Movement

The Hizmet movement is a civil society movement committed to peaceful coexistence and service to humanity based on social responsibility and philanthropy. The movement prioritises education, dialogue, and humanitarian aid in its activities by centring on the concept...

Interview with Henri Goldman on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020
Interview with Henri Goldman on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020

For the full video interview, please click here. For the French version, please click here. Hello, Mr. Goldman! Could you introduce yourself in a few words and tell us a little bit about the tragedy that has affected your family? I was born here (Brussels) in 1947....